
Monday, July 25, 2011

Be Grateful Before It's Too Late

هَلْ أَتَى عَلَى الإِنسَانِ حِينٌ مِّنَ الدَّهْرِ لَمْ يَكُن شَيْئاً مَّذْكُوراً {1} إِنَّا خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ مِن نُّطْفَةٍ أَمْشَاجٍ نَّبْتَلِيهِ فَجَعَلْنَاهُ سَمِيعاً بَصِيراً {2} إِنَّا هَدَيْنَاهُ السَّبِيلَ إِمَّا شَاكِراً وَإِمَّا كَفُوراً {3{
سورة الإنسان من الآية 1 إلى الآية 3

Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing - (not even) mentioned? Verily We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts), of Hearing and Sight. We showed him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).
Holy Quran (Chapter 76 Verses 1-3)

This is a message to those who post their photos and ask other people for comments and when they receive positive comments they hide their arrogance behind: “No I look ugly, c’mon you are exaggerating, oh really you think so? while muttering in their hearts: “Please say more”. A message to those who are seeking attention for what they have and secretly filled with pride and being arrogant for what they are having. This is a message to those who thinks the whole world is all about them and designed for them. A message to those who think they are the chosen one. Now read carefully what I am going to write because if an atheist just carefully focuses on what happened in my life he would immediately believe that a “God” actually exists.

How does it feel if you had a brand new beautiful car and the next day you had an accident and the car crashed? I can describe the feeling very well, it’s not hard for someone who was in worse situations. One of the best ways to prove humans they are weak is to put them in a "Depression" state where they can’t get what they want badly and a state where they can’t keep what they have or push away what they don’t want. Even though I was claiming to realize that I will lose what I have but deeply I had thoughts of having everything I want forever. Now, before I list the things I lost, I would like to give you an introduction to the reasons why I lost them.

One of the main reasons is because I had all traits of a Narcissist, yet, I didn’t do anything to actually improve my attitude, I didn’t know something called gratitude. It’s true that I was claiming I am grateful but I was ignoring the fact that gratitude is the memory of the heart followed by expression. I used to feel self-important exaggerating my accomplishments, talents, skills, looks, demanding to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements, I was obsessed with many fantasies like being the greatest man, I was looking for excessive admiration and attention, I was seeking all greatest praises. I had some daring fearsome thoughts of being like angels and the word “Unequalled” was deeply engraved in my heart. I thought I could have it all, even though I was sometimes pretending inferiority but deeply by pretending I was actually encouraging my arrogance. God said in the Quran:

وَإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِن شَكَرْتُمْ لأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ وَلَئِن كَفَرْتُمْ إِنَّ عَذَابِي لَشَدِيدٌ
سورة إبراهيم الآية 7

“And remember! your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you; But if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed.
Holy Quran (Chapter 14 Verse 7)

Whenever gratitude is absent from something we have or something we are doing we will eventually lose them or fail on achieving what we started. I remember when I was kid, I was loved by all students, I was admired by most of them to the point I became my class leader many times, students would fight among themselves just to sit close to me and be my friend. I started being arrogant and I was telling people I am loved “Mahboob” by the people unlike X, Y and Z. What happened after is quite surprising, few years later, I started to lose every interest I had in people and my classmates, I started loving being alone, I hated to socialize with others, I hated wouldn’t attend ceremonies, or visit friends, family members…etc Of course being a lone wolf didn’t made me realize my mistake because I liked that somehow.

Years back I was so proud of my eyes, I was hearing comments like: “Mashallah! you have beautiful big brown eyes” so instead of realizing that I am owing a dept for Almighty Allah and thank him for giving me beautiful eyes I started taking shots of my eyes and post them everywhere to let the whole world knows that I have beautiful eyes, guess what happened!? I am almost blind!!! Honestly without my glass or lenses, if I don’t wear any I wouldn’t be able to see the nose, eyes, lips of the person in front of me who might be only 30 cm away, while driving I can’t see anything but few moving colors. Not only that I am almost blind but my eyes became far smaller than what it was before and it started to sink deeper in my face to extent the bones below my eyes can be clearly seen.

When arrogance’s and pride’s meter increases we start forgetting the obligations of gratitude. Around 3 years back I had a lean fit and strong body, great chest and shoulders; I had six-packs-abs, the body most men desires to have. I used to have long silky hair, I used to take photos of my body holding swords, lifting weights, wearing sun-glasses and capturing pictures of myself in poses where I can show the greatness of my body. I would hear people say he is “Dante El3arab” Dante is the hero of the popular video game (Devil May Cry). Many times I would hear some calls me the Arabian Terry Bogard (The popular SNK character from King of Fighters) which boosted my arrogance even further. Perhaps I didn’t make fun of other people’s bodies but I was never truly grateful for what I had so God taught me a lesson I will never forget and proved he can change a state to another immediately. I dramatically gained weight to extent I am having some loose skin, ironically the size of my abs increased and my chest & shoulders decreased even though I gained weight where normally one will gain mass in all parts of the body. Some may think I gained weight because I was eating very much but believe it or not, I gain almost 5 Kgs after a single meal, I gain three Kgs just if I ate say one BigMac from MacDonalds -only the sandwich- no fries or drinks included. Additionally, I would like to inform you I was only eating one meal a whole day!

I lost most of my strength, I used to lift 40-60 KGs very easily now I can barely lift 6 KG, to be honest sometimes I find it hard to turn around the cover of a water bottle to open it to extent I asked a lady twice to open it for me! It’s not how much we express our gratitude to Allah by uttering words but honestly the real gratitude is your heart appreciates the source of the blessing and you start living by them. As for my hair it’s true that I decided to cut it myself, but the result is now I am barely having new healthy hair, and the ones I am having are turning white or grey. Even though people lose such things at the end of their life when live for more than 60 years, but guess what I am still considered young. Sometimes I see my old photos, I doubts if I am the same person in the photos.

Some of the things I was proud of were my nose and my teeth, I used to have a nose like my dear father, a sword shaped nose, thin and with beautiful edge, I used to have a beautiful yet manly voice. Many would say AbdulAziz does look like Sheikh Zayed may Allah have mercy on him and some asked me if I am one of his sons or grandsons. Many would say AbdulAziz looks like this or that of those who have a great manly expression on their face. I can’t count the number of people said AbdulAziz have the best teeth, it’s perfectly shaped from my teachers to friends to family.

I was so proud of my voice I was recording my voice while reading Quran, I was able to copy dozens of people’s recitations with their exact voice. I swear to God I was very amazed how this changed, I remember I once fell on the wooden part of my bed where the shape of my nose changed, then after that I was hit by the disease with my nose called Sinusitis, which naturally grows the nose size and it changes one’s voice greatly. Later on while I was playing with my brother while swimming in our swimming pool when I fell on my face on the floor which broke all my front teeth and affected my nose as well. You might say there are many causes why specially those two got damaged but my answer is quite simple because I was arrogant and never thanked God for them, it’s when I realized that no task is more urgent to be accomplished of returning thanks if you want to keep things you like. Each one of us should seriously start thinking deeply of how much God gave us and how much we are using what he gave us in disobeying him.

I remember I was being proud that I am having great brothers and knowledgeable at least I could challenge them. I remember I had a brother I always used to challenge in acquiring knowledge, I was making fun of those who play football and I wouldn’t even dare to compare their competitions with the competition of myself with my elder brother. It’s true I lost a lot of things but this was one of the greatest things I lost, I lost my brother, he died suddenly! even though he was in my age and amazingly he wasn’t sick or anything like that. Basically everything I was proud off and I wasn’t sincerely grateful for I lost it.

The most critical thing one can lose if he wasn’t grateful and thankful is his faith. As you know, faith gets increased and decreased, this increase and decrease affected by gratitude greatly. I remember there was a year I didn’t miss a prayer, I didn’t miss sitting in the mosque till the sun-rise after Al-Fajr prayer, I remember praying at night alone, I was able to memorize 8 pages of Quran in less than one hour, I remember I used to memorize whatever lecture I listen and know who said it in which cassette or CD. I was reading 400 to 500 pages on a daily basis. Even though I didn’t even reach a fair level in knowledge I was being proud with what I have and considered most besides me as ignorant. Imagine having great physical qualities added with great mental abilities! I remember seeing many dreams about the great Prophets peace be upon them and many times I dreamed of angels, My ego got fueled and Satan boosted my pride I started boosting and telling all about it to show I am better than them, which eventually caused my downfall.

I have forgotten everything I memorized but only few chapters, I missed a lot of prayers at mosque and I can count the times I prayed at night or stayed till sunrise when they were countless. I started forgetting most information I have acquired by reading, I can’t focus very well when I am memorizing, I could barely find myself time to actually read books. I don’t remember when was the last time I did dream about the Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them) when I was seeing them quite often in my dreams. All this happened for reasons but one of the greatest reasons I am aware of is that I didn’t chain all these great blessing with gratitude. Most of people I know they say AbdulAziz it’s because of the mischief of the envious, I wouldn’t be weak and say yes it’s the reason, while it may be one reason but the real reason of what happened I know it very well.

Yes I lost them, yes I lost them all, I lost all the things that I was once so proud of. I lost all the things that caused me to think I am unusually better than others, and the main cause is that I was arrogant and far away from being grateful to what God gave me. However it’s true I lost everything I liked but this awareness, this awareness of that I must thank God and express my gratitude sincerely worth it. I deserve what happened to me but I am not going to grief for what I’ve lost because the message within what happened is far more greater than all I have. I am glad God didn’t end my life before I realize what was my mistake, for that I am honestly thankful to God. Imagine if you gave me everything I need and more than what I need and yet I was fighting you, not being grateful for what you gave me, you would eventually hate me or might kill me but it’s only God whose mercy reaches everywhere and covers everything that allowed me to still be alive after all I did with his blessings. Allah said in the Quran:

وَرَحْمَتِي وَسِعَتْ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ، فَسَأَكْتُبُهَا لِلَّذِينَ يَتَّقُونَ وَيُؤْتُونَ الزَّكَاةَ وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ بِآيَاتِنَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
سورة الأعراف الآية 156

“My mercy extendeth to all things. That (mercy) I shall ordain for those who do right, and practise regular charity, and those who believe in Our Signs“
Holy Quran (Chapter 7 Verse 156)

I am not sharing this to have your sympathy nor to show the world how much I went through, I am sharing this to express my gratitude for Allah that he made me become aware, I am trying with everything I do to be a result of my gratitude for what God has done for me. This is a message to all those who are proud of having all they have, for all who lost what they had, for all people to be grateful to Allah for what he gave us, if Allah didn’t give us those blessings even if we do whatever we have and have the best equipments we would fail to have them. We need to develop an attitude of gratitude, I am not saying to feel gratitude alone since a silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone but express your appreciation through your words and acts with other human beings. As much as day and night renew every new day, you should renew your gratitude and repeat it.  Finally, I will leave you readers with few verses from the Quran may it touches your heart:

أَلَمْ نَجْعَل لَّهُ عَيْنَيْنِ *وَلِسَاناً وَشَفَتَيْنِ *وَهَدَيْنَاهُ النَّجْدَيْنِ* فَلاَ اقْتَحَمَ العَقَبَةَ (11) وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْعَقَبَةُ (12 (فَكُّ رَقَبَةٍ (13) أَوْ إِطْعَامٌ فِي يَوْمٍ ذِي مَسْغَبَةٍ (14 ( يَتِيمًا ذَا مَقْرَبَةٍ (15) أَوْ مِسْكِينًا ذَا مَتْرَبَةٍ (16) ثُمَّ كَانَ مِنَ الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْمَرْحَمَةِ (17) أُوْلَئِكَ أَصْحَابُ الْمَيْمَنَةِ (18)
سورة البلد من الآية 11 إلى الآية 18

“Have We not made for him a pair of eyes?- And a tongue, and a pair of lips?- And shown him the two highways? But he hath made no haste on the path that is steep. And what will explain to thee the path that is steep?- (It is:) freeing the bondman; Or the giving of food in a day of privation To the orphan with claims of relationship, Or to the indigent (down) in the dust. Then will he be of those who believe, and enjoin patience, (constancy, and self-restraint), and enjoin deeds of kindness and compassion. Such are the Companions of the Right Hand. “
Holy Quran (Chapter 90 Verses 11-18)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Discussion with Non-Muslim 11

Non-Muslim: If you can't create something you do not possess and God created Evil, does that mean God has evil in him?

AbdulAziz: You are again comparing your ability with that of God, that’s why you are always having some difficulties in understanding. Anyway, I will prove you that’s not the case. For example, I am a scientist and I have invented a knife to cut fruits…etc am I evil because I did so people can kill themselves using that knife. God can create what seems to us and perceived by us evil but he will never be evil or have evil in him as you described. Allah can take me both and you and throw us to heaven or hell but that would be against his wisdom, justice…etc because two different things can’t be the same, if you for example are denying his existence and you are insulting god while I am praising him and sacrificing my life for his sake then we both get the same result then God is not fair, being unfair is an ungodly attribute thus our God (Allah) can’t be having this quality.

Non-Muslim: You are comparing God to Mortal Kings.  You can't do that.  The power of mortal Kings to have servants is beyond the power of God.  I think it is YOU who do not understand Allah.

AbdulAziz: I am not comparing, I am giving you examples among us humans, who is considered to be better X or Y. There is a rule or base I don’t know the proper word but we use the Arabic word “قاعدة" that any draw-back in the creatures logically the God should be even more far from having it, and any perfection quality in the creature the God should have it as perfect with no draw back. To explain what I am saying I will give you an example, for example having the power, the ability to see, hear…etc those are considered positive qualities and we know if a creature does have this is more perfect than those who don’t. Meaning if you have eyes, you can see…etc and I was blind I can’t see, your body’s perfection is more than me, we are not equal. So any perfection approved among us the God have it as the perfect with no drawback, same thing goes for the non-perfect qualities. For example, being blind, not having hands, can’t talk those are drawbacks so naturally the God should be even more far from not having them. Why? Because the God we talk about in Islam (Allah) have all Perfections in everything. Another example is if you can write books and you can only write 10 beautiful books and 1000 beautiful words while I can write 10000 books and 1000000 beautiful words, my ability in words is greater than yours! However, it’s not yet perfect and not unlimited, but for God he is perfect and unlimited, Allah said in the Quran:

))قُلْ لَوْ كَانَ الْبَحْرُ مِدَادًا لِكَلِمَاتِ رَبِّي لَنَفِدَ الْبَحْرُ قَبْلَ أَنْ تَنْفَدَ كَلِمَاتُ رَبِّي وَلَوْ جِئْنَا بِمِثْلِهِ مَدَدًا((
سورة الكهف الآية 109
Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid.

Holy Quran (Chapter 16 Verse 109)

Non-Muslim: Oh and a King can address his people without servants.  A King has Television and mass media.  You want us to believe God has such power yet he is merciful and wise so he uses an angel to speak to a man and wait for that message to be delivered to the people of the world all the while billions of souls are lost to Hell for not hearing the word of Mohommed who claims to be speaking for Gabriel, who claims to be speaking for God?

AbdulAziz: I really mean no harm and please don’t get me wrong but it seems you are failing to understand the concept of “Perfection” or it might be I who is failing to explain it to you, sometimes I wished if I could be as great in English as I am in Arabic. Even though there are countless names and qualities for Allah, in Islam alone we can give you around 99 names of Allah. For example if your weight was 500 Kg I can’t say you are fat and thin at the same time, you are either fat or you are thin. If you are dying it doesn’t match you call yourself immortal, when you name yourself as the immortal that means you don’t die, it would be stupid to even ask you, can you die? It’s like asking a dead person, are you alive? Or asking a living person are you dead? The question itself is not suitable, same thing for god, since he is the creator he cannot be asked who created you, since he is the immortal he cannot be asked when you will die…etc Now we know God is All-Just when I say All-Just he is perfect in his justice, he is not siding with one side…etc so he doesn’t punish those who didn’t hear about Islam and Mohammed to hell, Allah may punish them if they heard about Islam, Allah and his Prophet yet they deny their existence, they don’t obey their words, it’s when they deserve to be punished, reasons for that I already explained in my post Ethic’s reward and I discussed this several times before.

Non-Muslim: If I were to say that Gabriel has given me a message from God last night to say to you, would you not doubt me?  What proof could I offer besides what you have offered?  You would question why God did not speak to you directly would you not? And so do I.

AbdulAziz: Your statement above just proves you don’t understand the perfection of God, now if you claimed that God talked to you and gave you message you deliver to human I would immediately say you are a liar or the god who gave you the message is a false god not the true one and only Mighty God Allah. Why is that? I will explain. God is perfect, God doesn’t lie…etc now if he sent someone like you who insult others, having some manner issues, liar…etc that means God didn’t know to select the right messenger, instead of sending a perfect messenger he sent someone having many mistakes. While Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him was the perfect human being example, he never lied even before he deliver the message of god, his qualities were best which were accepted by his enemies as the best…etc so if God selected someone as Prophet Mohammed as his messenger is pure logic, it just proves his wisdom, his greatness and the greatness of his messengers. It’s well known through history and accepted by all just people that the Prophets of Allah (Mohammed, Ibraheem , Eissa, (Jesus), Moosa (Moses), …etc) were the greatest humans who set their foot on earth. History can prove they had the best qualities you and me are nothing compared to their qualities.

Non-Muslim: Who are you to question God's will?  You claim that his will is unknown yet here you are, AGAIN, claiming to know what an all wise being would do.  Are you all wise?  If the all mighty throws us both into Heaven or Hell then who are you to question him?  You are NOTHING!  You are but a mere slave and his will is your bidding.  If he bid you be thrown into Hell with me then his wisdom is beyond your understanding. But you believe otherwise don't you?  You believe you are wiser than God.  You believe you know what God will do because of your definition of Justice even though you have claimed time and time again that we can not imagine what Justice is for God.

AbdulAziz: I don’t believe I am wiser than God, I don’t have the right to have such a thought and I don’t dare, I will just repeat what Prophet Moses peace be upon him said when his people were assuming he is making fun of them: “He said: "God save me from being an ignorant”. You see you are once again repeating the same thing without having knowledge on what you are talking about, Allah said in the Quran:

))هَا أَنْتُمْ هَؤُلاءِ حَاجَجْتُمْ فِيمَا لَكُمْ بِهِ عِلْمٌ فَلِمَ تُحَاجُّونَ فِيمَا لَيْسَ لَكُمْ بِهِ عِلْمٌ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتُمْ لا تَعْلَمُونَ((
سورة آل عمران الآية 66

Ah! Ye are those who fell to disputing (Even) in matters of which ye had some knowledge! but why dispute ye in matters of which ye have no knowledge? It is God Who knows, and ye who know not!

Holy Quran (Chapter 03 Verse 66)

Even though I repeated the same thing many times I will try to explain it to you again. If we both took the same test, I got 100 and you got 10 and the teacher gave us both A is that fair? It’s not fair, it’s a negative quality in the teacher, as I have explained earlier, if things we see negative among us we should push away that negative quality from God even more! since Allah is All-Justice his name and his great quality and wisdom will not allow such thing happen, I am not claiming I know the wisdom behind all Allah’s acts but I am saying things that are impossible because if it was possible it means God is not perfect.

If God explained in a book or a message or anything else and he said oh humans, if you worshipped me and had faith in me I will take you to heaven and if not I will take you to hell. Now if I worshipped and had faith in Allah then he sent me to hell this will prove that Allah is a liar (Glory to Allah he is high above all that they say!- Exalted and Great beyond measure)  it will prove he is not Justice, it proves he is contradicting himself which finally proves he is not Perfect, a God with many bad qualities and such God is a false God not worthy of Worship. Hope this clear the confusion you are having…

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Discussion with Non-Muslim 10

Non-Muslim: If someone thought their own religion was absurd, they wouldn't keep it

AbdulAziz: That’s not true, I know some people at work who are Christians they admit their religion is absurd yet they are Christians and they don’t want to change their religion. There are many reasons why one might not change his beliefs. 

Non-Muslim: I would need proof that Islam is the best. I say 'best' because perfection doesn't exist.

AbdulAziz: Well if it was religion made by humans, book written by humans it might not be perfect, but since it was by Allah his words are perfect, his religion is perfect. Proofs are very clear and all over, but as they say some require only one proof to be guided and while others even if you give them 1000 proofs, they wouldn’t change their beliefs, I wish you are not of the last.

Non-Muslim: If I pour water on top of a valley, is it random chance that it will end up at the bottom?

AbdulAziz: No it’s not random chance but causes that caused the water to end up at the bottom like the gravity and there can be many other causes. 

Non-Muslim: I can't claim that God didn't create the universe, because neither of us were there to witness it.  You can use logic all you want, but logic is nothing without evidence.

AbdulAziz: You said it, you can’t claim that God didn’t create the universe, however, if we can logically and by reasoning prove that he exists, by pure reason that the book he revealed cannot be from humans but only from God then the words in that book will be evidence for us how the universe was created, what will happen in the future…etc There are many things related but once collected and you have proved obviously that he exists then you will have the evidence. For example, if I was a king and I wanted you to do a task, however, I sent a messenger to give you the letter where I described the task in the letter, first you have to know if I actually exist, once you have collected all the logical reasons why I should exists, then you have to prove that letter is written by me, is truly my words and it cannot be words from others, then you can proceed in doing the task.

Non-Muslim: I asked why god created the devil. You said it is not our place to question god. This dismisses the question without actually addressing its substance. Obviously, I will never stop questioning god, so telling me not to makes less sense than giving me a decent answer. That is, assuming you have one.

AbdulAziz: Well the answer consists of two parts, the first part is that if you are someone who believes in God’s existence, if you are someone who believes in his names, attributes and qualities then you don’t need to ask this question, the moment you ask such questions, means you don’t have full faith in what you believed or in another word, you are having doubts.

Second part, which I am not sure if I understood your question well, I think you are asking about the wisdoms behind this act (El Hekma) why he did this or that. We as humans can’t discover all the wisdoms behind God’s acts; I explained that before you may refer to my previous posts. However, at least I as AbdulAziz, can give you with some reasons. First of all, if God didn’t create the devil we wouldn’t know who is siding with God and who is siding with the devil and based on this the reward he/she may receive. Another reason without the devil, atheists wouldn’t be denying the existence of God, without devil there will not be Muslims! Muslims are those who submitted their will to God, because there is something that affects our will it’s when we struggle against it and submit to God it’s when we are called Muslims.

Without the devil and the fact that he encourages human being to do bad deeds you wouldn’t appreciate the good deeds, as they say you cannot appreciate the beauty of day if there was no darkness. Without the devil we wouldn’t know the names of almighty God, for example, we know Allah is creator because he created us, Allah is the supporter because he supports his servants, Allah the one who punish those who disobey him, if the devil wasn’t created we wouldn’t learn. There are countless wisdoms a human may get out of this, it depends on the knowledge one have. I know you might ask why Allah want his servants to fight for him, submit their will, worship him…etc well he doesn’t need them Allah is perfect without us, he is perfect with us, he is Always perfect. However, for example if I am great king, I know I am perfect and great, however, what is better to be king without kingdom, servants…etc or to be a King with great kingdom, billions of servants, billions of…etc another example, if I am a great painter, the perfect painter, it’s always better to have beautiful painting instead of just calling myself a great painter.

Non-Muslim: whatever gives every indication that it is a certain way, should be assumed to be that way until new evidence or reasoning overrules it. For instance, if "genocide by natural diseases/disasters/etc" strikes everyone as immoral, they should not be assumed to be moral simply because they were god's action.

AbdulAziz: I guess I grasped what you are trying to say. You should know that actions are related to two things, one from God’s view (I don’t know how to use the exact world to translate what I want to say) and the other is from the Human’s view. For example, it’s God that allowed a certain thing to happen say for example that I kill a human being, from the humans or my point of view this action is wrong and the result for me is wrong so I shouldn’t be happy about it and I should change it and don’t give up saying it’s what God willed because God already told us what God likes and dislikes. However, from God’s view when he allowed such act its not totally evil, he might allowed my killing to give chance for other humans to be brave to help the innocent, to take me to justice, to show people the result of bad deeds…etc there can be thousands other good reasons compared to the one seeming bad act. For example, we sometimes hate to take medicine but because we know the many advantages of this medicine we take it. I wish I did understand your question well if not please can you explain in another way.

Non-Muslim: The "theory" of gravity is also a "fact".

AbdulAziz: I guess we mean different thing then, because I know the gravity is fact, there are proofs that cannot be denied, however, the theory there is room for uncertainty,  for example, the fire is hot is an obvious fact because it was proved.  The Quran is in agreement with most known scientific fact and does not contradict any known ones; I will post numerous quotes from the scientific community regarding the nature and the origins of the Quran. French physician Maurice Bucaille said: “Our knowledge of these disciplines is such that it is impossible to explain how a text produced at the time of the Quran could have contained ideas that have only been discovered in modern times”. Keith L. Moore said: “It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later.”

Tejatet Tejasen said: “From my studies and what I have learnt at this conference I believe that everything that has been recorded in the Quran 1400 years ago must be true. That can be proved through the scientific way". E. Marshal Johnson said: “The Quran describes not only the development of external form but emphasizes also the internal stages -- the stages inside the embryo of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science... If I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I do today and describing things, I could not describe the things that were described... I see no evidence to refute the concept that this individual Muhammad, had to be developing this information from some place... so I see nothing in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved..." 

T.V.N. Persaud said: “Muhammad was a very ordinary man. He couldn’t read, didn’t know how to write, in fact he was an illiterate... we’re talking about 1400 years ago, you have some illiterate person making profound statements that are amazingly accurate, of a scientific nature... I personally can’t see how this could be mere chance, there are too many accuracies and like Dr. Moore I have no difficulty in my mind reconciling that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which led him to these statements". What I am trying to say established fact that was proved can never contradicts Quran or Allah…