
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Don't Do Your Best!!! "

In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s101 Ways to Transform Your Life” audio cd, it is said that don’t do your best in everything because there will be no room for improvement. However this goes against what I was taught and against teaching of the greatest teachers in the world.
First of all, the claim that there will be no room for improvement is wrong, if the man didn’t do his best, he is not going to improve and he will be in the same range of his abilities. However if he does his best in every act he can stretch the range a little bit further and go beyond his “Believed Limits” discovering new capabilities. One doesn’t know what his or her limit is until he or she does his best; otherwise there is no way he or she knows what his or her limit.
Just doing things we like may give us some happiness but the truth is that we feel best when we do the best in things we like most. Doing the best we can gives the best possible results for our level of acts. Think of two people praying, one praying and feeling good about it. While the other is praying and as he prays,  he does his best not to let his mind stray, he is focused on his praying as he is seeing god. Focusing on the words he is hearing or saying then compares the results of both.
Now why do need to do our best, well first of all to have an answer to God if he asked us “Why you didn’t do your best in this situation?” I wonder what Dr. Wayne’s position is if he answered: “Well I didn’t do my best so I can be at ease, feel joy and to leave room for improvement”. Even I [A Human Being] with limited knowledge can answer: “Do you have a guarantee you will live till that improvement comes?”
Once we get used to doing our best we will have the act of “Doing our Best” as a habit opening room to think of doing “Best of our best”. Today is preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows that follow and we are used to do our best the day before exam so we do well in the exam the next day.
Best results comes in any act, is doing the best we can then rely on God for making it perfect. Imagine a king who gave you money and he asked you to build a castle, and before you spend the money he gave you, you ask him for more money! Can you imagine his response? However if you spend all the money in building and then it required more money the king will gladly give you extra money because he is seeing you are doing your job and you are doing it greatly.
Not doing the best when we can is like an ant in a water bottle, instead of doing the best it can to get out of the bottle. It keeps moving up to middle of bottle and then return because coming and going in his range is an amusing game for the ant. This continues and the ant dies in that range without exploring the world outside the bottle. Note that doing the best doesn’t mean doing things that consume most of our efforts but do what’s really required of us to do in the best possible way


  1. Very nice!! Loved this: "if the man didn’t do his best, he is not going to improve and he will be in the same range of his abilities. However if he does his best in every act he can stretch the range a little bit further and go beyond his “Believed Limits” discovering new capabilities."

  2. Thanks Selenity, I am so glad you loved the post.


  3. Great post and very insightful examples. I enjoyed reading it!

  4. Wonderful post =) & great motivational wordings, I really liked the part about the king, & highly enjoyed it overall!

  5. I think you are absolutely right! What are they thinking telling people not to do their best so they have room for improvement. Improvement when? I was brought about to think that there is always room for improvement and that 100% is just a myth, one person can go beyond that and to do so they will need to constantly push themselves to be better.

    Ya36eek el 3afyeh 3ala hal post I really enjoyed reading it as always.

  6. very inspirational, I always learn something new from you brother. :)

  7. Latifa:
    I totally agree with you, the thing is we accept whatever some authors says without really thinking about it's consequences! Allah ye3afeek o thanks alot for your comment

    I am so glad to hear this brother :)
