
Monday, November 29, 2010

If you lost "Love"

You might be sad but don't show it, and let it go...
Don't let your heart out and don't shout...
Don't do the wrong but be strong. ...
Don't waste your tears for they are so dear...
Don't blame God or any other, it wont add any to the matter...
Don't worry and don't be sorry...
Stand up, step forward not backward...
Move on... Your old love is gone...
Forgive and forget the pain, live and love again...
With no fears but with care...



  2. اذا خسرت الحب حب محله بتنساه ;)

  3. Love is shared with those who are willing to love back.

    As usual. Ur writings inspire me to keep blogging.


  4. Great poem! I saw last week when i read this post last week saying in to my self: who were the idiot woman lost? Why he wrote a poem about the lost and love? Was necessary?
    I think when i lost a love for any person. Don't lost nothing win peace and future... The true love never lost, i'll can lost my kays, pappers, a bag but a love? Is imposible.
    I believe in twin souls... In the desteny!
    Nothing lost nothing in the life... Change the best for the future ( the best not is money, the best is run for any dream... Many dreams are the magic key for the paradise) and is true often finished the love and for this nothing is worst person. Many women or men arrive in ours life with a mision and then is wise can closed this relationship... Because always the better is the last, and the easy love... Not is true, is just other wife in the world. The true and incondicional are the childrens... And when i found this wife your lazy life change because have got passion. The passion not always is sex. Is passion for the life or fight for a dream!

  5. Its a brilliant poem I like a lot and it is true.

  6. As they say when one door closes, another opens.. you just need to believe that the best is yet to come.;)

    "Don't do the wrong but be strong." luved it

    i wonder why people think LOVE is always between HE&SHE.. i mean a greater love can grow between father & son, mother & daughter, two sisters or close friends.
    *it's just a thought, only a thought*

  7. I don't think lost love can ever be forgotten. It can be denied several times in our heads. We can ignore it but never replace it. I don't know why I can't let go.. I promised myself once not to be attached to anyone as much. Because it becomes illness. It harms me more than it gives me joy. My lost love took a huge part of me with him.
