
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

~Tweet Tweet~

Twitter has been my open gateway...
Finding a page that brightens my day...
Finding friends that open the way...
To laugh from the advice they have to say...
Molding my day like it was made clay...
Emiratweet, Angelistic and their nationalistic ways...
Natoof and the amazing design they display...
Um3awas and the people she has to slay...
Sarahit's unusual yet always humorous word's in the fray…
Sha, Wafa, Fearless, BooMayed have roles to play...
Wise quotes and advice so I don't fall astray...
Akhyaal & Gladiius two of the brightest rays…
It's never the same when the "Khoory"s are away...
All in all, what can I say...
Like the sun rising on a beautiful bay...
Twitter has affected me in the brightest ways...

"Tweet Tweet" Is Copyright To AbdulAziz Mohammed 2010


  1. incrediable what tweets can do @@

  2. lol :P don't be surprised if I wrote about the class :P


  4. Masaa el kheer, Ahlan sadiqi!!!

    Twitter?... Interesting your vision about this social red, your feelings about it!... Is right "is great smile when the people follow your words or reply your way"... Is brillant when your friends and family say: Hello Abdulaziz... is virtual love and often true and pure love.... like face to face like just a good kiss in your cheek... I like twitter too but i change many things about me: I preffer the silence, read a good book, watch a film, walk... smile and learn every day new things... why is the problem with twitter? I lose the control... and lose the time... the life is short... and the time is a great gift... Sure, i read your twitter, blogs... and many more... but now only use just the necesary internet in my phone like a mails... i don't forget your BDay... is coming! Happy Bday! (
    Jazak Allah Khair)
    About me: I'm ok, happy... and i'll travel to Europe soon...

    shukran yaziilan

    Ma’a salama,

    Loli... Sall-Allahu aleyhi wa sallam
