
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Dream

Few days back I had many dreams, at a short time. Dreaming, waking up and again dreaming for maybe 2 hours. I wouldn’t be lying if I said I saw around ten dreams and surprisingly enough, the dreams were actually long ones.

That night I kept asking myself, what’s wrong, is it “Time” moving slowly or is it that really dreams only take few minutes if not seconds! Believe it or not, days after I saw dreams and I calculated the time, most of my dreams were less than 3 minutes. When I was dreaming I can remember the details, the events, what I did in the dream and in that dream it was no way all this happened in few seconds, in fact if I just describe one dream I saw, just the description itself will be more than 5 minutes but it only lasted few seconds!

This fact reminded me that life itself is like a dream; we are eating, drinking, living and dying. It seems to us we are having a very long life, 60 years. We are living in a dream, believing it will be a long lasting dream, ignoring the fact that we might wake up (Die) anytime realizing that our life only lasted few seconds. Allah said in the Quran:

((قَالَ كَمْ لَبِثْتُمْ فِي الأرْضِ عَدَدَ سِنِينَ * قَالُواْ لَبِثْنَا يَوْماً أَوْ بَعْضَ يَوْمٍ فَاسْأَلِ الْعَآدّينَ * قَالَ إِن لّبِثْتُمْ إِلاّ قَلِيلاً لّوْ أَنّكُمْ كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ*))
سورة المؤمنون من الآية 112 إلى الآية 114

He will say: "What number of years did ye stay on earth?" They will say: "We stayed a day or part of a day: but ask those who keep account."  He will say: "Ye stayed not but a little - if ye had only known!
Holy Quran (23: 112-114)

In dreams we might be happy, having health, wealth, power and control. Enjoying the fantasy, we maybe are the heroes in the dream. The problem is once we wake up, all these disappear and we realize that we are the same miserable people. What makes you great is that you are awake while you are dreaming and you can take things from your dream where you can benefit in your real life; this is a true hero in my eyes not a dream-created-hero. Same thing in our lives, we are not great if we are great in this world only but we are great if we took what we need for the hereafter and considered great on that time.

If someone told you, I will have you to live in the desert, and he gives you three things you can choose, money, car or water. Since we have only one choice we will decide to take the most valuable out of all so we can live and that’s water. Similarly we should take from this world the most valuable thing so we can live happily in the hereafter.

This life is very short and we might wake up anytime, we were created for a reason, our role is defined properly, we shouldn’t act on other roles, or ignore the fact that we have a role. A Very great role…

((أَفَحَسِبْتُمْ أَنَّمَا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ عَبَثاً وَأَنَّكُمْ إِلَيْنَا لا تُرْجَعُونَ))
سورة المؤمنون الآية 115

"Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)?"
Holy Quran (23: 115)


  1. Love all the ideas in there.

    That night I kept asking myself, what’s wrong, is it “Time” moving slowly or is it that really dreams only take few minutes if not seconds!
    [Movie: Inception - Describes these fascinating notions about dreams]

    "... ignoring the fact that we might wake up (Die) anytime realizing that our life only lasted few seconds."
    Wow... really, impressive thought. Life is a dream. And death is waking up from the dream.

  2. Thanks Vicissitude, I am glad you loved the post ^_^

  3. very useful article.
    Keep going and I will try to read every posted

  4. Thanks for the comment, wish you enjoy reading :)

  5. awww that is possibly one of the nicest posts ive read in a while,, seems dreams are themes of our lives,, we try to catch it not realizing that its all a mirage that is bound to disappear,,

    Hope we all can separate dreams from reality,, but achieve the dreams that truly matter.

    Wish you a Dreamy Night AbdulAziz,, keep the great ideas coming ^_^

  6. Wow... great post but i dont know your post ALWAYS are important 2 me. The power of words: DREAMS!!!

    I agree... and i live my dreams and i feel 2 and maybe dreams and desteny are like a vision in the desert...

    i dont remember my dreams NEVER when i wake up... i dream or maybe wish many things but for example walking, travel... etc...

    ... but my life is very stranger... and i think in this...

    ... Always iam different other people, i dont know... i feel... in 1997 remember one dream when i was sleeping... My dream was: All black and my grandmother spoke said me many important things... but i dont remember what... and woke up cryed... i was my last day in Uruguay for vacations... and when i went to my house in Argentina... this night when i was dream with she... she died... i was spoke in this moment in other country... and she said me good bye...

    ( the time past... and the life is very fast)

    ... mmm, 4 privacy reasons one day descovery the number 13 follow me or who add four (4) for example 22 ( 2 + 2 = 4 )...
    all time, in any moment the life always has got many 13 or 4 or 22 or whatever...
    ...but like gift i feel special energy in this number an unexpected situation... but not dream, not have a vision... only feel stranger energy and i dont know anymore...

    (the time past) and when i feel this energy... was this number and is important 4 me or other people...

    ... my english is trush: REAL EXAMPLE
    In my blog last post was 18 february and in this post said last 22 feeling special... i thought about my children because will go to the doctor and he has got many problems... when i went to the doctor with he i find the worst catastrophe railway to my country. nothing... was terrible... and one boy 2 dias lost...when i found the corpse... his mother cryed in tv and his daughter call me like my real name... ( my real name is very very very stranger there L...)...

    ... like this... i have many things in my life and hasent got any reason... not vision, nothing... is stranger energy...


  7. The police found the corpse only sew all 4 tv... and his daughter call like my real name. is very stranger my real name here. iam second name like this in my country...u i know? other stranger story.

    never lie. my couple know all about me. and he saw in part my life...

    know how I found your blog?

    ... in google profiles... u and me The alchemist common. Ironic!?

    ... i not believe in witches, oracles or predictions nothing... dont believe in all this...

    ... only i feel stranger energy in unexpected and inexplicable moments!

    sew my last post 18 feb and sew wrote 22 ( 2+2=4) and then sew 22 feb what happend in my country...

  8. Do u remember the last!?...
    I was to be a muslin... but i didn't made it. I called to the musque and the man there saying me: Next tuesday 13:00 hs. not minute later!

    yes... now, i remember i was born again but like a muslin last tuesday 13:00 hs...

    u r witness. Never choose the hour!

    my life is a mistery...




    is Allah, i found this blog and u guide me...

    the ask:Why?

