
Monday, July 2, 2012

من هو الأب؟

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته, إخواني و أخواتي, بضعة كلمات أحب أن أنقلها لكم لعلنا نستفيد... من هو الأب!؟ سؤال تم طرحه على طلاب الماجستير وكانت الإجابات جميلة ومنها إجابات عادية, ولكن أفضل ما ذكره المحاضر هو هذه الاجابة التي وردته :

الأب..  تلبس حذائه فتتعثر من كبر حذائه لصغر قدمك, تلبس نظارته تشعر بالعظمة, تلبس شماغه فتشعر بالوقار, تطلبه مفتاح سيارته وتحلم أنك هو وأنك تقودها, يخطر في بالك شيء تافه فتتصل عليه وقت دوامه ويرد ويتقبلك بكل صدر رحب و لا تعلم ربما مديره وبخه أو زميله ضايقه أو مصاريفكم أثقلته. تطلبه بكل هدوء: "بابا جيب معاك عصير فراولة" ويرد: "من عيوني بس خلك رجال ولا تعذب أمك" يأتي البيت وقد أُرهق من الدوام والحر والزحمة ونسي طلبك فتقول بابا وين العصير؟ فيتعنى ويخرج ليحضر لك طلبك التافه بكل سعادة متناسيًا إرهاقه...

واليوم ... لا تلبس حذائه بسبب ذوقه القديم, تحتقر ملابسه واغراضه وسيارته التي كنت تباهي بها أصحابك لأنها لا تروق لك, وكلامه لا يلائمك, وحركاته تشعرك بالاشمئزاز ويصيبك الإحراج منه لو قابل اصحابك !تتأخر فيقلق عليك ويتصل بك فتشعر بأنه يضايقك وقد لا ترد عليه إذا تكرر الإتصال والقلق. تعود للبيت متاخراً فيوبخك ليشعرك بالمسؤولية ويستمر في مشوار تربيتك لأنه راع وكل راع مسؤول عن رعيته فترفع صوتك عليه وتضايقه بكلامك وردودك فيسكت ليس خوفاً منك بل صدمةً منك!

بالأمس في شبابه يرفعك على كتفه واليوم أنت أطول منه بكثير, بالأمس تتأتي في الكلام وتخطيء في الأحرف واليوم لا يسكتك أحد, تناسيت... مهما ضايقك فهو وااااااالدك ...كمن تحملك في سفهك وجهلك فتحمّله في مرضه و شيخوخته....

سألوني أي رجل تحب؟ فـقلت :من انتظرني تسعه أشهر واستقبلني بفرحته و رباني على حساب صحته, هو الذي سيبقى حـبه في قلبي للأبد, عذراً لـجميع الرجال فـلا أحد يشبه الأب... إلهي من مات والده فاغفر له وارحمه وأسكنه فسيح جناتك ومن كان والده حياً فأطل عمره على طاعتك وفرج همه وارزقه من حيث لا يحتسب وأمطره برحمةٍ منك واغفر له وأدخله فسيح جناتك...

انشروها تقديراً لإنسان نحن لا شيء بدونه, انشروها براً لأغلى اثنين الأم و الأب, اللهم ارزقنا البر بآبائنا وأمهاتنا أحياءً وأمواتاً... و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


  1. I can't understand very well the post because many words i don't know yet and the translate not is very good too. But in this moment i cry. 1) Is the best when you can say: I love you to father. I could but for him didn't important...He forgot me!
    2) The family is the most important always... and i say thank you Allah every morning when i see my childrens around my bed... call me!
    3) I cry... because i don't understand today "this post" maybe because i live a hard moment. Tomorrow will be a wonderful day. My son has got he birthday number 3. And is sad!... sad? yeah, because when i impregnate in 2008/09 really i make me feel happy, i cared all the time... all every detail.
    I went to the best clinic in my roon was perfect like a hotel... and i wished all natural like my first son... but maybe in this "rich clinic" didn't understand me... and in my serum "one person" put a drugs... i felt fly... was very fast all... and was because i didn't want anesthesia because i could with this pain and for me was a gift to God... Then he borned and all was stranger... Lonely with my couple in this roon... and my other side... "all was a mystery"... 5 hs later my son back... and he drank other milk... and now i have 2 "events" i will celebrate his birthday and cry because 3 years ago "something happend" and now is autistic but the worst is now is psychiatric patient and last week his Dr. said me: Next year not school too... not hospital school, not special school too... because he can't!...

    Sorry... not is the "appropriate comment" and sure, your post is GREAT like always... but here i found my place... i found the word... just a word help me!

    Allah always care me at night when all is more hard... Sad but now i'm better than other times... stronge and with stranger force!

    All the best for you my friend!

  2. I can't understand very well the post because many words i don't know yet and the translate not is very good too. But in this moment i cry. 1) Is the best when you can say: I love you to father. I could but for him didn't important...He forgot me!
    2) The family is the most important always... and i say thank you Allah every morning when i see my childrens around my bed... call me!
    3) I cry... because i don't understand today "this post" maybe because i live a hard moment. Tomorrow will be a wonderful day. My son has got he birthday number 3. And is sad!... sad? yeah, because when i impregnate in 2008/09 really i make me feel happy, i cared all the time... all every detail.
    I went to the best clinic in my roon was perfect like a hotel... and i wished all natural like my first son... but maybe in this "rich clinic" didn't understand me... and in my serum "one person" put a drugs... i felt fly... was very fast all... and was because i didn't want anesthesia because i could with this pain and for me was a gift to God... Then he borned and all was stranger... Lonely with my couple in this roon... and my other side... "all was a mystery"... 5 hs later my son back... and he drank other milk... and now i have 2 "events" i will celebrate his birthday and cry because 3 years ago "something happend" and now is autistic but the worst is now is psychiatric patient and last week his Dr. said me: Next year not school too... not hospital school, not special school too... because he can't!...

    Sorry... not is the "appropriate comment" and sure, your post is GREAT like always... but here i found my place... i found the word... just a word help me!

    Allah always care me at night when all is more hard... Sad but now i'm better than other times... stronge and with stranger force!

    All the best for you my friend!

  3. In my blog every year i give "Awards" but different "symbolic awards" for many causes to many blogs...

    well... This year i have got 3 different awards and you won an award for inspire be a better person every day and i found the best place here for me... like reflection and relax.

    copy and paste 4 r blog or inspect this html

    in this week: i'll write all blogs with awards in comment section the my last post!
