
Friday, December 11, 2015

Results of Brainwashing Through The Media

"A pair of Dutch mischief-makers have revealed double-standards and the danger of prejudice by convincing members of public that violent quotes from the Bible were from Muslim holy book, the Koran.

In the wake of the recent Paris attacks and mounting Islamophobia, comedians Alexander Spoor and Sacha Harland decided to test public knowledge about a key piece of literature said to have a key influence in shaping Western culture: the Holy Bible.

A video of the prank was uploaded to the Dit is Normaal YouTube page on December 4, where it has since been viewed more than 2,267,750 times.

“Since the recent events in Paris … Muslims have been accused of following a religion that has no place in our Western culture,” one of the comedians can be heard saying in the video.

“This made us wonder: what about Christianity, a religion that has influenced our culture greatly?”

Disguising a copy of the Bible as the Koran, Spoor and Harland then proceed to highlight a number of provocative quotes they believe to be “in great contrast” with current Western “norms and values”.

The passages include such delightful warnings as “If you reject my commands and abhor my laws, you will eat the flesh of your own sons and the flesh of your own daughters”, “I do not allow for a woman to teach. You will have to cut off her hand. Do not forgive her” and “If two men sleep with each other they will both have to be killed”.

When showed the quotes, members of the public express disapproval, referring to the verses as “ridiculous”, “unbelievable” and “oppressive”.

“If you've been raised with this book and these kinds of thoughts, it’s going to influence the way you think,” one man tells the comedians.

“The biggest difference is what you just heard here, which is the role of the woman,” one woman says.

“Hearing this, I would think the Koran is more aggressive [than the Bible],” another man concludes.

Spoor and Harland then reveal that the alleged verses from the Koran were in the fact from the Bible.

The response is one of unanimous disbelief, with one man apparently twigging to the comedian’s point.

“It’s all just prejudice really,” he says.

“I always try not to be prejudiced myself. But apparently I already am.” - MWWS

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