A question I received was from someone who doesn’t
understand Why Allah would allow for certain things to happen, I will quote
her: “I got Heart broken by a guy whose getting married next few months, I
don’t know how I am going to face it! My life is depressing I don’t want to
live anymore, I don’t understand why Allah did this to me, I just want to die”
A broken heart, Sad, isn’t it? I am not feeling sad because
she lost the man, but I am sad because she is easily broken. I know it’s hard,
I’ve experienced sadness in my life, when our hearts get broken, in fact the
term heartbroken doesn’t fit well for when I was feeling sad I was feeling my
whole body is broken, my heart was torn apart, my mind and soul waging wars,
it’s just a total mess. I think one can never understand what pain really is
until he/she lost a dear one, but this understanding comes with a gift, gift of
realizing the beauty of happiness and appreciating the things we didn’t lose
I believe in such situations I mean when we are having a
broken heart, One needs faith! One of Islam Pillars of Faith is "Belief in
Al-Qadar" Muslims believe in Al-Qadar, which is Divine Predestination. The
moment one asks: "Why Allah did this?" I am sorry to say it
but actually it proves we don't have enough faith in Allah. If we really
believed Allah is "The All Wise", we would understand this happened
for a wise reason. If we believe Allah is "All Merciful" more
merciful than our parents, ourselves...etc we would understand what happened to
us is a Mercy for us but we still don't know because we don't know the future!
Allah knows the future, the past and present. If we really
believe in Allah’s beautiful names, and act based on the knowledge we have
about Allah’s names and attributes we will live the best life we can ever dream
to live, we can be the strongest and nothing can hurt us or make us sad. I
admit, I can’t count the times when my lips’ taste was of tears but at the same
time each time I tasted my lips finding them sour, I appreciate it because
after our main course we usually have a dessert. We shouldn’t be crying when
the sun is gone, because we know it’s going to rise tomorrow…. Don’t fill your
eyes with tears in the night, while it’s true the Sun is gone, you would miss
seeing the beautiful moon and the lovely stars
كلمات رائعة تبعث فينا روح التفاؤل فعلا الشمس سوف تشرق غداً....
ReplyDeleteThe best line I read about healing a broken heart was - Our bodies have the capacity to naturally heal themselves when damaged; our hearts do not. We must therefore pick up the pieces of our broken hearts, and give them to The One who loves to heal. For indeed, none has the capacity to heal but Him.
ReplyDeleteشكرا لك يا أختي ميثاء على التعليق, الحمدلله اعجبتك الكلمات...
ReplyDeleteOh Anonymous, thank you for sharing the words, I really loved them, thanks for your comment
ReplyDeleteThis article might also help - Treating love addictions: http://ammarmali.com/post/26235514447/removing-the-intruder-on-treating-love-addictions
ReplyDeleteThank you for conducting this article. It brought my lost faith back. You have no idea how words can change a persons life. Thank you brother.
ReplyDeletesimply Beautiful ^_^
ReplyDeleteهذا من ضعف الايمان للأسف .. يؤسفني كثيرا حين يقوم احدهم بلوم "الله" على فقدانهم لأحدهم او قطيعة عزيز لهم .. الحياة لا تتوقف على فقدان شخص.. وبما يخص هذه الفتاة، قد يكون خيرا لها أن لم ترتبط به!