It’s been a long time since I last posted something in English, I promised some of my English followers that I will post something new so here it is. This morning, while I was thinking about books, my thoughts drifted into a sea in a windy day. I lost control of my thoughts so it took me to a journey without destination. Don’t blame me, for thoughts are like a horse, if you don’t guide the horse, it might take you to directions you never intended or expected. Anyways, when my horse is running wild I get a pleasing feeling, an itch that comes to me that nothing can cure but sound of keyboards.
Dear Reader, I was thinking, what if we all wrote a book! I think all of us can do that. Why don’t you try to stay in this world even after death! Don’t you wish to write something that will go beyond death! Our bodies may will be gone but our writing and books can stay in this world for a long time. You can do that by writing, now what to write is up to you. You may ask why do we have to write! Well I am just suggesting, when we are around people, we can keep our mouth shut and let our acts talk, but our words does have a voice to reach future generations. The greater the way you lived your life the greater is the voice of your words thus the greater it reaches.
You can start writing daily journals, every day write a page, if you were committed by the end of the year you will have 365 pages. In one year you can write a volume of “Book Of Life”. Remember a page of writing is like a drop of water on a bowl, one day the bowl will be full, same thing for writing, just write page after another and then you will have your own book, not necessarily a book to be published. Imagine each day of your life is a page in your “Book Of Life” a book that will be read if not in this world then certainly hereafter. If you don’t like surprises and bad results in the hereafter start writing your own “Book Of Life” and share it with people around you and see what they say, if they said it’s a bad book then you can always change the coming days but in the hereafter you won't have that chance!
Usually when we write journals we write for ourselves, we don’t share it with others. I agree that it’s better to write for who you are not for who you want to appear for the public, but have you ever dared to share your journals without being fake! Forget all the writing rules, forget about publishing your book, forget about readers’ comments when you are writing but remember them after they read. Translate your day in words, you don’t have to crystallize your words. “Talent alone cannot make a writer. There must be a man behind the book.” Share your life with your friends, let them read the book of your life! Then you can judge if your living a worthy life or a very boring one.
Don’t claim you don’t have anything to say, you have 24 hours a day, you have your special way to live these 24 hours. There are people waiting to be entertained by reading your life, don’t you want your grandsons know how you lived your days! Share with your friends the most interesting moments in this 24 hours, reflect what you learned, what you achieved, the challenges…etc your life through joy and sorrow, let them judge if your life was used properly or it’s just another wasted soul. There is no perfect human being but their judgment is capable of driving you to be perfect.
Every writer's wish that he or she writes a book that makes him or her proud and attain loyal readers. Try to live your life as you are writing a book for your sons and grandsons. Do you want them to read a book where every page is the same or different pages but filled with shame? No reader is interested in such book and no sane writer wishes that. If you don’t like reading a book that it contents are repeated as you flip the page, why you are accepting to live a routine life, a life like most others, a life not living to your fullest, a life of lost opportunities! You came to this life to live out loud not to die without being noticed!
If the book of your life is boring remember that your life is boring, beautiful words can’t help a boring life to be entertaining and a beautiful fulfilled life can’t help but to produce a beautiful book. Live a life of purpose, if your life was not a life to be ashamed off I assure you writing your books and the words you use to translate your life into words is not something to be ashamed off either. If you don’t want your readers to think you lived your days naked then be sure to wear your pants , meaning, don’t fritter away the thing that differs you from animals.
I am suggesting rather than forcing you to write. However, I think it’s important that you know the benefits of writing, when you write you are actually creating permanent records where you can refer back to and learn from your mistakes to think more effectively and start a new day with a whole different attitude. If you don’t like to physically interact with people or you have issues in verbal communications then writing might be your best friend. “How do you know what you think until you see what you are saying”.
For me writing clarifies my mind, it not only gives me clarity, sort of “Peace Of Mind” but also offers opportunities for exploration, it gives me the guts to take risks. “Writing is a way to shape out visible and invisible, in myself as well as in the world”. As I said before, this “Book Of Life” helps you not be surprised in the day of judgment, and it also helps people to remember you after your death.