say: "God has a son." Glory be to Him! No, everything in the heavens
and Earth belongs to Him. Everything is obedient to Him, the Originator of the
heavens and Earth. When He decides on something, He just says to it,
"Be!" and it is”
of the Meaning of Holy Quran, Chapter 2: Verse 116)
Greetings Reader! There is a Christian I am having discussions
about religion with. In our discussion we talk about Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him),
the Christian claiming that he is the begotten Son of God while I say Jesus is
not. I was tired of repeating the same thing in our conversation, so I decided
to end it here once and for all, so if we were to discuss this topic again I
can always refer the Christian to this post, for it contains answers to most of
Christian’s arguments as Jesus being Son Of God.
Well first of all, in my previous post I have proved that the Bible
is not 100% words of God, there are countless contradictions, there are insults
to God, it was modified by human beings. I wont list all the reasons, you can
read my previous post which is prove that the Bible itself insults the Supreme
God. Now if we are assuming that the Bible is written by human beings, then why
you are trusting the book as it’s 100% words of God? What if the verses regarding
Jesus are not the words of God but verses added by those who wrote the Bible?
If the Bible was proved that human did actually change even one word it loses
its authenticity of being God’s words and therefore one cannot trust the Bible.
Oh Christian, why then you trust 100% that Jesus is the begotten son of God if
the Bible itself can’t be trusted!
Let’s assume you still believe in the Bible, well quoting from the
Bible itself one can prove that Jesus is not the only begotten son of God! In
your own book you have: “The Lord has said to me, you are my son, today I have
begotten you” Psalms 2:7 Are we talking about Jesus Christ? NO! we’re talking
about David and I am sure you are well aware of that being a Christian who did
read the Bible. How can you have Jesus Christ be the only begotten son of God
when we have David many generations before being told he was the only begotten
son of God? You might ask me: “But then why The Bible refers to Jesus and other
Prophets as Sons of God” Actually the bible has sons by the tons. Many passages
speak of the sons of Gods, and the children of God. Sons of God were known as
metaphorical issues and not a literal one. “In fact the all the Jews saw
themselves as the children of God. Sons and daughters of God. That was the status
they conceived for themselves. This was a metaphorical issue and not a literal
one. In the language of the Hebrew Bible, righteous persons who follow the Will
and Plan of God are known as Sons Of God”
Another reason why Jesus can’t be the Son of God is because if he
was begotten son of God, it means God is not perfect, you Christian may ask:
“Why?” Well my answer is if God wants, he can have 1 son to Billion sons, he
can have daughters if he wanted since he can do anything, but would that make
him the Perfect Supreme God? NO! Because having a son means imperfection. “God
is free of all causes, because He created whatever exists and happens, as well
as their underlying causes. Everything happens in accordance with specific
causes. For example, birth, death, learning, and ageing happen as the result of
specific causes, such as time and space. Human beings live dependent on time
and space. But our Lord is independent of time and space. He, Himself created
time and space. It is our Lord Who created fatherhood, being a son, and having
children, which are features peculiar to human life. Therefore, those who say
that "God has a son" (Surely God is beyond that!) forget our Lord's
incomparable names and think within the bounds of their own limited human
perceptions. However, such claims are a huge lie in the sight of God.” When you
say son of God, it means the son is of the same nature or part of the same
nature of the father. Human beings need a son because they need someone to
continue their legacy, to help them manage matters related to their life,
businesses, to have self-satisfaction, to get support…etc The Almighty God
doesn’t need that because one of his names as all who believe in the existence
of God agreed is “The All Powerful”. Christian may ask: “Alright, if God
doesn’t need Son, why he is having Angels, Messengers and Prophets?” The answer
is quite easy, Angels, Prophets and Messengers are not God’s sons but servants,
they are of a different nature, they are not to be worshiped like the Supreme
God and their existence doesn’t contradict any of God’s names.
We all know there is nothing like God, the moment one says God can
have son he proved that there is something like God, because a son like a
father, the same nature, so that contradicts the fact we all agree: “There is
nothing like God”. If one said: “Ok what if the son was of a different nature?
Well, “Then he shouldn’t be considered The Son of God but instead just another
creature God created” The answer can’t be easier. I will give you a real life
example, I love reading books, many times I say my books are my friends, does
it turn the books into human beings? NO! Oh Christian, I understand Jesus is
unique, he was born to Virgin Mary he was indeed unlike others and therefore
unique. However, in that respect Adam was more unique being born without a
father and a mother!
Oh Christian, I know you may ask me: “But you know God loves, Gets
Angry, Happy…etc those are like Human Being and above you said there is nothing
like God” well the answer is very easy, it’s true that God loves, hates and
other things you mentioned, but his love is not like the Love of Human, his
punishment is not like the Punishment of Human Being. For example, you have a
hand and the cats have hands, are your hands the same? It’s not the same? You
have a head and a birds have head, are they the same head? NO! I know you would
say: “Alright, if that’s the case then Jesus is Son of God but different” well
too bad, because all who saw Jesus saw him they saw a human figure, who eats, who
drinks, who have the exact look of human beings.
Oh Christian, you might say: “Oh No! It’s true Jesus looked like us
and had the same attributes, but he had special powers, miracles, he could
raise the dead, cure the sick…etc” Well first of all I think we all agree that
Jesus performed the Miracles by the Permission of God Jesus himself stated that
several times in the Bible. There are countless Prophets who did miracles by
the Permission of God, stated in the Bible itself. Jesus had to perform miracles
to prove his he is messenger of God not the begotten Son of God like any other
Prophets who performed Miracles so the people believe in them being the
messengers of God.
Oh Christian! You should understand that having the ability to
perform Miracles doesn’t make you automatically the son of God, why? The answer
is very simple and any sane man would agree. Let’s assume a trained dog was
able to talk like human being, laugh, do all sort of incredible things, would
you say this dog is son of Man!? If a Pig was able to revive another Pig, would
you say this Pig is son of God because he performed a Miracle? Of course Not!
Because if you said yes you would just prove that you are insane. If God
wanted, he can give the power to an “Ant” to create the observable universe but
still this ant will be ant and God will be God,
this Ant will not be the son of God because of that!
Oh Christian, as usual you might say: “Jesus is Son of God or God
Because He Pre-Existed” At John 8:58 it is reported that Jesus said, “Before
Abraham was I am”. Even if Jesus meant to claim by these words that he was
alive before Abraham was, is it sufficient ground to say that he was divine? If
Jesus lived in heaven then came to the earth it might mean something
remarkable, but it would not be enough to establish him as God Christians do
not imagine that the prophet Jeremiah had a pre human existence and find a
suitable way of interpreting the words of Jeremiah 1:5 which portrays such a
situation, if taken literally. However not such similar understanding is
permitted by the Church in the case of John 8:58! Saying Jesus is God or Son of
God Because He claims Before Abraham was I am In Exodus 3, it is reported that
God told Moses “I am what I am” as most English Bibles translate the Hebrew text.
At John 8:58 Jesus says, before Abraham was I am as most English Bibles
translate the Greek text. But here is the key to another deception. The
original of the first text is in Hebrew, while the original of the second is in
Greek. All but a few of Jesus & apostles; words are recorded in Greek. For
two hundred years before the time of Jesus the Jews used a Greek translation of
their Hebrew scriptures, the Septuagint. This work translated the key phrase I
am of Exodus as HO ON. However, the words of Jesus, I am, have been given in
Greek as EGO EMI If the gospel writer in John 8:58 wanted to tell his
Greek-speaking audience that Jesus had imitated God he would have used the
familiar words of the Septuagint.
Oh Christian after the above, do you still believe that Jesus was
begotten and not made? Well knowing you, you might still say: “Yes, it’s part
of my religion” Well If you look up the word begotten in most dictionaries are
the same, it means to procreate as the father, it implies the cardinal element
of sex. Oh Christian, are you saying that you actually believe that God had sex
with Marry to have Jesus!? Is that what you’re saying when you mean begotten
and not made? I am sure you are more decent than saying such a shameful thing,
but let me ask you this oh Christian? If this is what begotten means, and you
don’t believe that to mean the procreation of the father like the definition
says it is, then why do you believe in it? Don’t you feel sorry for your
position of believing something you don’t believe? Well for the sake of
argument let’s assume you still believe Jesus is the begotten Son of God, well
“To be a begotten son of God, there has to be an act of begetting performed by
the God. Who was the other party to this act? That party must have existed before
the Begotten Son. Let me ask you this: “Where was Jesus, before this act?” If
Jesus is regarded co-equal and co-eternal, as professed by the Trinitarians,
and if the Begotten Son came after the act of begetting, that Negates the
Doctrine of Trinity. If Jesus was co-eternal in time with the God, then that
Negates Jesus being a "Begotten Son of God" I know you might be
saying: “I am Confused, please tell me what’s the truth?” oh Christian, the
whole truth and only truth is as Allah said in the Quran: “He begets not,
nor is He begotten.” Oh Christian, you might ask me: “Who is Jesus?” Well
my answer comes from the Quran:
“"He (Jesus) said: Verily! I am a slave of Allah, He has given
me the Scripture and made me a Prophet;" And He has made me blessed wheresoever
I be, and has enjoined on me Salat (prayer), and Zakat, as long as I live. And
dutiful to my mother, and made me not arrogant, unblest. And Salam (peace) be
upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised
alive!" Such is 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary). (it is) a statement
of truth, about which they doubt (or dispute). It befits not (the Majesty of)
Allah that He should beget a son. Glorified (and Exalted be He above all that
they associate with Him). When He decrees a thing, He only says to it,
"Be!" and it is. (Jesus) said: "And verily Allah is my Lord and
your Lord. So worship Him (Alone). That is the Straight Path.”
May God Guide you to the right path